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Digital X-Rays Are Better For The Earth, AND Better For You

DENTAL X-RAYS ARE AN important part of your oral health care. Among other things, they allow us to detect cavities and decay before they become bigger problems.

However, old-fashioned, analog x-rays are not ideal for our patients, our dental office, OR our environment.

The Hazards of Traditional X-Rays

The development of old film x-rays required hazardous materials. For example:

  • Silver: X-ray fixer has enough silver to warrant a “hazardous waste” label, and can’t legally be dumped into the water system.
  • Lead: Lead is a dangerous neurotoxin. Discarded, it sits in the topsoil for years, is absorbed into plants, and enters our food system.
  • Other Dangerous Chemicals: These include Ammonium Thiocyanate and Anhydride, both major irritants to eyes, nose, and respiration.

That’s Why We Use Digital X-Rays

First, digital x-rays eliminate the need for those harmful materials. But beyond that, digital x-rays are safer and more convenient for YOU!

  • Digital x-rays cause 70-90% less radiation exposure than traditional x-rays.
  • We get images with higher resolution, which we can zoom in on, enhance, and duplicate.
  • Digital images are instantly available—no need for development. We can just pop them up on the screen right away to discuss them with you, which saves you time.

More About Our Imaging Technology

Dr. Sadineni, Implant Dentist Dublin Ohio implemented 3D imaging technology in 2012.

ORTHOPHOS XG 3D offers the ability to scan only the area of interest, and with a field-of-view that can be collimated further to reduce the effective dose of radiation to the patient. The 3D function allows increased diagnostic accuracy when we need it most, such as for implants, surgical procedures and volumetric imaging of the jaws, sinuses and other dental anatomy.

The ORTHOPHOS XG 3D imaging provides all the clinical workflow advantages of 2D and 3D together. The 3D view enables the patient to easily visualize the proposed solution and understand the required treatment steps. Simple patient positioning – the operator has a clear visual of the area to be scanned.

Our Practice Is All About Looking To The Future

By using the best technology, we’re also giving you the best care WITHOUT making the environment pay the price. We’re working toward becoming a very eco-friendly practice.

And if you have any questions about our digital x-rays, please ask! We’re happy to talk about the steps we’re taking in our office to go green.


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